Free Email Signature Template Generator (currently down)

Create your free custom email signature with our easy-to-use generator.
How it works
Discover how to use our email signature generator
Select a signature template design
Choose between 6 different templates.
Enter your signature details
Fill in the information that will appear on the signature, such as: name, email address, phone number, job title, company, website, address etc.
Add your social media links
Add links to your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram pages.
Personalize your signature
Choose a theme color, text color, social icons color and font.
Upload custom images
Add your headshot and select the shape (cropped to square or circle). Also, add your company logo.
Create a custom CTA
Create a customized call-to-action button for your email signature. Personalize the button with a different color.

How do I change my email signature on Gmail?

  1. Open your Gmail inbox, then select and copy your newly generated signature sent by Mention
  2. Click on the gear icon to open "Settings" from the drop-down menu, then click "See all settings"
  3. Scroll down until the "Signature" section
  4. Click on "Create new" and give your new signature a unique name
  5. Paste your newly generated signature into the email signature editor
  6. Scroll to the bottom and click "Save changes"

How do I change my email signature on Outlook / Live / Hotmail?

  1. Open your Outlook inbox, then select and copy your newly generated signature sent by Mention
  2. Create a new email message by clicking on the "Home Tab", then "New Email"
  3. Click on the "Message" menu
  4. Click on "Signature", then "Signatures"
  5. Go to the "Select Signature to Edit" section, click on "New" and give your new signature a unique name
  6. Paste your newly generated signature in the "Edit Signature" section, then select "OK"

How do I change my email signature on Apple Mail?

  1. Open the Mail application, then select and copy your newly generated signature sent by Mention
  2. In the top left corner, click "Mail", then "Preferences"
  3. Click on the "Signatures" tab on the pop-up window
  4. At the bottom of the middle column, click on "+" and give your new signature a unique name
    Paste your newly generated signature in the right-hand section
  5. Uncheck the box that says "Always match my default message font" to ensure the signature appears correctly

How do I change my email signature on Yahoo Mail?

  1. Open your Yahoo Mail inbox, then select and copy your newly generated signature sent by Mention
  2. Click on "Settings", then "More Settings"
  3. Click on "Mailboxes" and select the account to add a signature
  4. Go to the "Signature" section, then toggle the switch to the right so that it turns blue
  5. Paste your newly generated signature in the box where it says "Write something"
  6. Click "Save"

How do I change my email signature on AOL?

  1. Open your AOL inbox, then select and copy your newly generated signature sent by Mention
  2. Click on "Mail", then "Set Mail Signatures"
  3. Click on the "Signatures" dropdown
  4. Click on "Add New Signature", then give your new signature a unique name
  5. Paste your newly generated signature
  6. Click "Save"